Day 94: Halfway There

We hit the midpoint of the trail early this morning. Because the official length of the trail changes from year to year, so does the halfway point. There is a really cool sign that was made for the midpoint in years past, but it is cemented in place. So the sign for the midpoint is a picture of the other sign. We crossed the second, better sign about 4 miles later. We also crossed a state park with a lake, free showers, AT museum, and snack bar about lunchtime, so we enjoyed a very long break. We hiked 21.1 miles today.





2 thoughts on “Day 94: Halfway There

  1. You are a great inspiration to me. I’m remain in awe by what you have put behind you and am jealous for what lays ahead. I especially like your trail diet of beer and lobster ravioli. Thanks for sharing!

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