Day 96: Duncannon

Pennsylvania is legendary among thru-hikers for the rocks. It’s often called Rocksylvania, and although we haven’t hit the really bad part yet, today we hit the beginning. The mountains here are low, we are only at about a thousand feet, and the water sources are spread out and unreliable. Where there is water there is no camping, and where there is camping the water sources are dry/unreliable down steep side trails. Basically we have to carry water for much longer stretches, and we’ve been spoiled thus far! Today we went through Duncannon, a small town, a little run down but full of cool old buildings. This evening we were picked up after 19 miles of hiking and taken to Harrisburg. Riding on the freeway felt pretty strange and uncomfortably fast after walking for 3 months. We got to have a fancy dinner in a restaurant last night: grilled octopus, oysters, and lobster ravioli. Real food! It was delicious. Now we have 2 days off!





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