Days 138-139: Rutland

After 1700 miles of hiking most hikers have an established trail family. Ours has been together for over 800 miles now. We camp together, take zeros together, and oftentimes we hike together. The past few days the miles are catching up to me, I seem to have an overuse injury to my knee that has me limping. Our family spent the night in Rutland with plans to return to the trail in the morning, but Paul and I decided to take a zero to rest my knee. Once announced, our three friends all immediately decided to take a day off as well!

We returned to the trail after a day off still trying to take it slow and we all did a ten mile day. We passed the Maine Junction, officially leaving the Long Trail and Vermont’s Green Mountains and headed East toward New Hampshire and the White Mountains. The weather has cooled off just a bit, which is nice. No rain today either!

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