Day 19: Halfway through the Desert

It seems like there is a burn area nearly every day on the PCT, and today was no exception. It started off hot the moment the sun came up. By the time we reached Cajon Pass 6.2 miles into the day at 8am, we were already sweaty and tired. We stopped at McDonald’s just off I-15 for some breakfast and air conditioning, not to mention the only source of water today and for the next 20 miles. The next five miles were brutal with no shade, until we found one lone tree and stopped for a break. Our spirits were lifted by a surprise water cache, so we could push on without having to conserve. When we were five miles from camp we stopped for another long break, starting again at 5pm as it began to get cooler. Tomorrow we have just 13 miles to Wrightwood, and it should be about 10 degrees cooler. This was a 20 Mile day, and we have views of the lights of Victorville and Hesperia from camp.