Day 14: 10% Done

We slept in a little this morning but still got back to the trail pretty early. The plan was to do 21 miles, leaving about 6 to get into Big Bear tomorrow morning. We passed the 400km mark in the morning, the 250 mile mark a bit later, and 265 in the evening, meaning we’ve hiked​ 10 percent of the trail! We also passed a private zoo where animals are trained for movies and television and saw a grizzly bear pacing in a small enclosure. 13 miles in we came across a couch on the side of the trail, next to a dumpster stocked with soda (sadly all gone) by a hostel in big Bear. I was feeling pretty tired but a break on the couch and some ibuprofen got me energized for the afternoon. We decided to push on closer to the road, mainly so we have more rest tomorrow. After 29 and 27 Mile days back to back, a little rest will be awesome.

One thought on “Day 14: 10% Done

  1. Wow , sounds like y’all have had some interesting days lately . We are still in total awe of you . Had to laugh about the couch by the dumpster though (visualization, lol). Be safe , have fun & happy trails 👣

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