Day 23: More Burn Areas

Most of the time it takes me a little while to fall asleep, but last night I was out the moment my head hit my inflatable pillow (before 9pm). We decided to sleep in today since we were so tired yesterday, which means we woke up around 6am. We started hiking around 7:15, with the day broken up into several 6-8 mile sections between water. The weather was nice today, the elevation changes were much smoother, bit it did get warm and exposed in the afternoon as we went through more burned areas. We gathered our last water at around 6pm and walked to the next available campsite, about another mile down the trail. 26.4 miles today, even though we only planned for 18. We’ve got another burn area tomorrow to look forward to, but fortunately we are set up to walk through it in the morning before it gets too warm.

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