Day 3: In the Snow 

The night was a bit colder than the forecast last night, and we woke up to 26 degrees and snow that was supposed to last much of the day and eventually turn to rain. We debated what we should do, and decided to hike out about ten miles and see from there. If we got too wet we would stop and set up camp. The morning was mostly beautiful. Calm snow, a quiet landscape and few other hikers. The umbrellas were awesome at keeping our upper bodies dry as the snow was falling. After about 6 miles a cold wind picked up and the snow was falling harder. Most of the time the wind was blowing so hard the snow was coming at us horizontally and at times head on. Eventually, around 1:30 and after hiking 11 miles, we were both wet and it was time to get out of the wind. We set up camp near a picnic area, got out of our wet clothes and under the quilt, and cooked​ a couple of hot meals.  It should continue to snow tonight but tomorrow morning it should clear up and warm up.

One thought on “Day 3: In the Snow 

  1. I cannot even imagine . How y’all hiked 11 miles in that weather is very commendable . Stay warm & happy trails 🐾

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