Days 4 & 5: Miles

Day 4: We woke up after a snowy night to a clear morning. Everything inside the tent was wet, and we didn’t break camp until after 8:00. Once we were on the trail we were cruising as the day warmed up. We stopped for lunch and to dry out our gear after about 12 miles. We spent the afternoon hiking with another, faster hiker, so we made good pace to get to the water cache at Scissors Crossing by about 5 pm, a 24 Mile day!

Day 5: We were up early and out a little after 6:00 for a long uphill from the desert floor. The weather was great all day, the trail was smooth, and we had epic views. We decided to push on to the second water source of the day, bringing us just past the 100 Mile Mark! Another 24 Mile day. We are eight miles from Warner Springs. We plan to go in early tomorrow, shower, eat, and relax. Two days of rain followed by 2 days of big miles has given us both a couple blisters we’d like to heal up.

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