Day 33: Land of the Wind Turbines

We took full advantage of our bed this morning, not leaving town until about 9 am. Today was still warm, but in the mid 80s rather than 90s, much better than the last few days. We had 17 miles to hike before a water source, so we took many shade breaks to conserve our 4 liters each. Coming into Tehachapi we walked through a massive windfarm, and throughout the day today we walked through even more. As we are camped now we can hear them whizzing on the hillside. We made it to the water source by 5pm, cooked dinner, drank up and refilled our bottles before heading out around 7. We walked about 4 miles before sunset, a grand total of just under 21 miles today. The next few days will be dictated by long water carries so we have to plan each day carefully.

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