Day 60: Lassen National Forest

Well, the party last night didn’t really get going until after dark. The electronic music was blasting from 10pm-6am, nonstop. Despite being across the river, the nose was so loud it was vibrating up from the ground. My earplugs did little to mute the noise, but I guess I still slept better than expected. We hoped to get coffee before leaving town this morning, but sadly the restaurant didn’t open until 8 and we didn’t want to wait around.
It was a long climb up from the river today, with 13 miles of steady uphill, back to the top of the ridge. We were moving slowly due to the lack of sleep, but we hiked all day to still make 24 miles. We got to camp to find trail magic! A couple from Paradise, CA drove up the dirt roads to give us brownies, sandwiches, lemonade, and watermelon. Real food and I didn’t even have to cook anything.
The scenery has been changing today. We are moving away from granite peaks and into volcanic rock. There are more varied conifers and wildflowers. The peaks and valleys seem to be getting a bit more dramatic. We have an awesome view of the sunset from the tent tonight. Best of all, it’s nice and quiet here, so we should sleep well.

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