Day 70: I-5

We arose this morning with 23 miles on the agenda, planning to reach the Interstate at Castle Crags State Park by afternoon or evening. We had an uphill morning and a downhill afternoon, not passing or being passed by any other hikers but 2 Southbounders, unusual considering how many people we’ve seen the past few days.
We made it to the highway by afternoon, near a little used off ramp, meaning hitching from here would not be easy. We decided to walk the frontage road to a market 2 miles to the West, figuring someone would drive by and give us a ride (nope). The market proved to be a bust, too expensive and not enough selection, but we did run into some friends there and hung out for awhile. We called a local trail angel who gave is a ride to the town of Mount Shasta. We got some pizza and went to the grocery store to resupply, then to the local outfitter which offers free camping in the back. We didn’t get set up until after dark, so we are tired tonight. Tomorrow morning we’ll grab some fuel at the outfitter before hitching back to the trail and hiking on.

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