Day 108: Goat Rocks

This day did not disappoint, with some of the best views since the Sierras. We climbed in the fog for most of the morning, but it burned off just in time for the Goat Rocks. Amazing views of Rainier and Adams all day, plus meadows full of wildflowers and high altitude Alpine lakes.

In the afternoon we traversed the knife’s edge, a steep traverse along the backbone of a ridge overlooking the surrounding valleys. The views were amazing but the hiking was not for the faint of heart. Aside from the steep traverses on snow, the trail was exposed on one or both sides. The trail itself was made of loose rock, so each step felt like your foot could slip, and a fall would have severe consequences. We went slowly across the ridge until we reached solid ground and more lovely meadows on the other side.
Our slow pace out is behind schedule a bit, so we hurried through the afternoon to make it to our destination in time to set up before dark. A 28 mile day today, and the rocky terrain and steep climbs have us both feeling very sore and tired. It was a rewarding day nevertheless.

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