Day 113: Snoqualmie Pass

Washington really turned up the epic today. During the night last night we woke up to a light rain. We haven’t had rain since day 2! It was misty, foggy and cold this morning as we made our way to Snoqualmie Pass. We got to town early, ate breakfast, and went to the grocery store. We are lunch while we finished charging our phones, then headed back out and up. We had a long climb out of town, but the clouds seemed to climb up as we went and eventually we got some sun.
The scenery got more dramatic with each passing mile. We were high up ridges on steep rocky slopes with beautiful lakes at the bottom. We went over several passes before we finally started to descend to camp. I was loving the scenery but Paul was hating the long rocky stretches and the steep exposure. It was cold most of the day today, and it’s going to be a cold night tonight. Fortunately it should be getting warmer every day for the next few days. 16.9 miles today.

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