Day 98: Mount Hood

We let ourselves sleep in as long as we wanted this morning, and took our time packing up and eating breakfast. We hit the trail around 8, which is pretty late for us. Aside from a little stiffness, our bodies were feeling pretty good after our day yesterday. Unlike yesterday however, today included a lot of uphills. We definitely found ourselves moving a little slower than usual.
The morning was in the forest, but eventually a view opened up and we could see Mount Hood, not far off at all. The trail would go back in the forest and every so often we’d get another view, the mountain getting bigger every time. We made it up to the Timberline Lodge around 3 pm. We stopped at the bar to have a beer and some chips and dip, then headed back out to the trail for a few more miles.
We are camped at a creek, still up high on Mount Hood, after a 22.5 mile day. A bit slower than usual but not too bad. We’ve got under 50 miles left in Oregon.

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