Day 122: North Cascades National Park

Last night in Stehekin may have been the warmest night we’ve had on trail yet. No one slept well. We got the first shuttle back to the trailhead shortly after 9. It was a hot day, and combined with a late start we we’re feeling sluggish. A group of us took a siesta in the afternoon and reminisced about the days in the desert. We decided to make it a 20 mile day and planned to camp near the trailhead at Rainey Pass. We got to the pass to find some trail magic! Sodas, snacks, and turkey wraps meant we didn’t have to cook dinner. The tent site at the trailhead was behind the pit toilet and smelled terrible, so we walked up the trail and pitched our tents wherever we could find space. It’s a cozy night with many tents packed in tight right off the trail.
I almost forgot to mention we saw our first bear on the trail finally! It was quite close to us and started acting a bit aggressive, so we didn’t linger around and he backed away as we did.

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