Days 127-131: Flipping

We’ve had quite a few days off and it’s been great. We spent several days on Whidbey Island, then several days travelling back South again to get back on trail near Truckee, CA. We ate tons of food, watched television, went sailing, and relaxed. However, after nearly 5 days off we have been eager to get back to the trail.
We dropped off our rental car in Reno, then got a ride with a trail angel to the trailhead this afternoon. We headed southbound from there, as we make our way toward Lake Tahoe and then to the high Sierra. After a few miles we found a nice place to set up camp and wait out an afternoon thunderstorm. This may be the most severe weather we’ve gotten all trail. It feels good to be back out here again.

One thought on “Days 127-131: Flipping

  1. Way to go. I can’t wait to see pictures of the sierra. Maybe you will have some afternoon rainstorms this time of year! If you are down in Lee Vining for some reason while passing through Tuolumne Meadows, be sure to hit up the mobile station restaurant for some great fish tacos and beer! They have music down there on saturday nights in the summer too!

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