Day 147: Muir Pass

Today was another awesome day. Great weather, great scenery, and it seems to just keep getting better. We started with a 16 mile climb, gaining 3,700 feet to reach Muir Pass at 11,969 feet. We passed lake after high altitude lake, stopping for lunch at Wanda Lake, just before the final push to the pass. The stone hut greeted us at the top, and we stopped to take on the spectacular 360 degree views. There is little to no vegetation up so high, just rocks, snow, and lakes. The descent was even better than the climb, especially once we got back to the treeline. The farther we dropped down the more impressive the high peaks looked, especially with the sun starting to get lower in the sky.
We stopped to camp after 24.2 miles and more than 2,000 get lower than the pass. It was a tough day, but one of the best days. It will be sad to leave this place.

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