CDT Day 74: South Pass City

Day 74: 25 Miles

We were tired but still got up early this morning in order to make it the 25 miles to South Pass City before 5:30. It was hot today, and as usual we had no shade, but it was mostly easy walking and we made it to town before 4:00.

This town is an old gold mining town from the 1860s and 1870s. At one time the population was over 2,000 people. Now, it’s a National Historic Site, so it’s mostly tourists.

We got our package from the general store while the horrified tourists gave us weird looks and gathered their children closer. One of the guides invited us to her cabin for a few beers, and we gladly accepted. We met another hiker and ran into someone we haven’t seen since day one, and we all enjoyed beer and stories for a few hours.

We set up camp at the edge of the parking lot, so in the morning we have access to trash cans and running water before we head out. We’ve got a long stretch ahead of us with a big food carry, so getting rid of any weight is a bonus.

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