CDT Days 65-68: From Colorado to Wyoming

Day 65: 28 Miles

We slept in a little bit this morning, maybe because we celebrated a bit too much yesterday. We have a big food carry this stretch, and our heavier than usual packs slowed us down a little bit as well. However, the terrain has eased up a bit. The mosquitos are getting more populous and relentless every day. We had to apply bug spray every time we stopped for a break. It’s not as bad as Oregon last summer, but we’ll see if it gets worse in the coming days.

We had really nice views today, despite a somewhat hazy sky, as we went through the Mount Zirkel Wilderness. The rocks have changed as we’ve moved North. If I knew anything about geology I might have some interesting info, but I don’t. All I can say is the mountains are a little more Sierra-like, and it’s very pretty.

Day 66: 35 Miles

We woke up a little slowly this morning, but it wasn’t long before we realized we were just 35 miles from the Wyoming border. We decided to push it and see if we could get there before dark, and we made it! Despite lots of ups and downs, and the usual deadfall, the terrain wasn’t too tough.

The weather was warm and we were chased by raindrops in the afternoon, but no significant storms. It feels good to be in a new state and have Colorado behind us. We are right about halfway through the trail!

Day 67: 32 Miles

Our first full day in Wyoming was pretty nice. We walked through forest with the usual deadfall, interspersed with many swampy, muddy meadows.

Unlike the cool days and cold nights of Colorado, the weather has really warmed up as we have dropped in elevation. It’s getting humid too, and the mosquitos are still a bit of a bother. In the evening we got a few drops of rain again, but like the past few days it was nothing major. We’ve been leapfrogging with a couple of hikers we met in Steamboat Springs, but other than that there haven’t been a lot of people out here.

Day 68: 32 Miles

It was a hot day today as we continued to drop in elevation, out of the forest and into the Great Divide Basin.

The Continental Divide in this area is actually a circle. Water falling outside this circle drains into its respective oceanic watersheds, but water that falls within the circle doesn’t. Instead the water gathers into lakes and other bodies, leaving only through evaporation. Most of the surface water in the area is saline/alkaline and undrinkable, so we had some long water carries today in the heat. To top it off, there is literally no shade.

We had a long road walk toward Rawlins. It was flat and easy, and we could see for miles in every direction. We walked into the evening before setting up camp. This might be our warmest night of the entire trail so far. It’s about 16 miles into Rawlins tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “CDT Days 65-68: From Colorado to Wyoming

  1. How nice to follow your travels. I felt a familiarity when you said you could see for miles. I have been in such places and can still feel them.

  2. When you are talking about y’alls journey I can picture it all in my mind . You have a wonderful way with words 👣👣

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