In the News and On the Books

It’s been a busy month around here!  Piñata and I were written up in the local newspaper.  You can check the article out here. 


I also continue to write for The Trek, and I recently wrote a comprehensive financial guide to preparing for the PCT, though much of the advice would work for any thru-hike.  You can check that article out here.


A fellow long-distance hiker interviewed me for a CDT post, also at The Trek, found here.


And, I also wrote up a quick guide to getting to the Southern Terminus of the CDT, found here.


But that’s not all we’ve been up to!  Aside from peak-bagging in Southern Arizona on our days off, we’re still planning some fun trips this year.  Mainly, this September we are hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail, a roughly 170-mile trail that circles Lake Tahoe.  Part of this trail is concurrent with the PCT, and we absolutely loved it, so we’re looking forward to making the whole loop.


But first, we’re hiking Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim in the Grand Canyon at the beginning of May.  This will be a 2-day trip, so it might be better described as 2 back-to-back rim-to-rim hikes.  South Rim to North Rim on day one, and North to South on day two.  It’s just under 50 miles depending on route selection and lots of climbing, but a bucket list item for me, and Piñata is up for the adventure too.  We’re working on more trips for the summertime, so stay tuned.  I’m also still working on a few more gear reviews and recipe posts.

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