Day 3: 25 Miles
We got a taste of everything today. Sun, sleet, wind, rain, hail, and finally some cloudy cool weather. It changed from one thing to the next seemingly every five minutes.
Ironically, we are in a long dry stretch of trail. We ventured a half-mile off trail this morning to get some water from a trailhead that was supposed to have a water spigot. We got there to find no spigot, only locked bathrooms, which appeared to have running water. Fortunately, there were some workers in the parking lot, and there was an open utility closet with a hose, and they let us fill our water bottles when we asked. The rest of the water sources today were more than a mile off trail, so we opted to just carry extra water instead.
We’re dry camping tonight but have only 4 miles to water in the morning. After that, water sources should be more frequent again. And supposedly the weather is supposed to get better! We are camped at a campground tonight, and met another TRT hiker heading in the opposite direction. Other than a couple we met on day one, we’ve mostly seen mountain bikers and day hikers on the trail.