Day 6: 25 Miles
What a great day we had today. Last night was warmer than the previous nights we’ve had on trail, so the warm(ish) morning and thought of hot coffee and breakfast got us up early and into town by 7:30. We ate breakfast burritos and charged our phones. We hit the grocery store for a resupply, and did some minor pack repair on Paul’s pack. Most importantly, we did not forget to get a bag of chips! We were efficient, and got out of town by about 10:00.

The day was warm and we were feeling great. This might have been the first day we actually broke a sweat. The scenery got a little nicer today too, as we got closer to the PCT and the Desolation Wilderness. Eventually we rejoined the PCT, and left the mountain bikes behind. While the Nevada side of the Tahoe Rim Trail is bikeable, bikes are not allowed on the PCT or in wilderness areas. Bike trails tend to be smoother and a bit more manicured than wilderness trails. And so we no longer have to contend with bike traffic, and the trail also gets a little more rugged without them.
We want to enjoy Desolation tomorrow and take our time, and since we felt good today we pushed a few extra miles so we only need to do 20 tomorrow to camp at Lake Aloha. We camped there on our PCT thru-hike, and would love to spend another night there. Tonight we are camped near a lake, and it is even warmer than last night. We’re both feeling great, even though Paul got stung by a yellow jacket.