PCT Day 1! Campo to Lake Morena

​Yesterday, Paul and I were picked up in San Diego by some trail angels and taken into their home. Scout and Frodo have hosted hikers for years, and about 20 spent the night at their home with us last night. Only Frodo was home, but other great people volunteer their time to help prepare means and drive shuttles. We ate breakfast this morning at 5:30 and loaded into the cars at 6:00. By a little after 7:00 we were at the trailhead taking photos. The morning was lovely and we made great time in the cool weather. By about 10:00 it was officially hot. We were fortunate to have plentiful water today, but the trail was mostly exposed. At mile 15 we took a break (even a short nap for Paul) before heading up for the final few miles to reach Lake Morena campground. There are bathrooms and running water here, so getting out in the morning will be nice. We plan to be up early to get miles in before the heat tomorrow. Today we hiked 20 miles. It took us over 800 miles of hiking on the AT last year before we hiked a 20 mile day!

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