Day 13: New Longest Day!

Today is our trail friend’s 30th birthday, and she wanted to do a 30 Mile day to celebrate. Unfortunately the wind changed direction in the night and kept most of us from having a good night’s sleep. We woke up and started hiking as the sun was coming up, across the  valley floor, into the Mesa Wind Farm, and eventually followed a Creek up through the canyons, gaining elevation consistently all day long. We made 16.7 miles by 12:30, took a shade break for lunch, and continued climbing. We are once again over 8,000 feet, after gaining over 6,000 today. We made it to Mile 29.1, she dropped her pack and ran to hit 30 and returned to camp. We are all tired but proud of ourselves, because even at 29 miles, it was everyone’s Longest day ever. On the AT our biggest day was 26.7. We should sleep well tonight!

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