Day 34: Mile 600

We started our morning today 14 miles from water. We were a bit slow out of bed, and didn’t get hiking until about 20 after 6. It was another warm day in the 80s, with less of a breeze than yesterday and some long climbs in the morning. We made it to the water source by early afternoon and took a long break in the shade. Shortly after, we passed mile 600. Neither of us had realized, but every milestone is written in rocks or sticks or pinecones by other hikers, so we were pleasantly surprised. We also crossed the last on-trail water source for 35 miles, pushing some extra miles in the afternoon to camp near a water cache if it was stocked. Fortunately​ there was plenty of water, and was being refilled as we arrived. We are 30 miles from the next natural water source, so we will camp here tonight, drink up and stock up in the morning and hike as many miles as we can to get to or near the next source. Fortunately it should be cooler tomorrow. We hiked over 28 miles today.

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