Day 37: A Quarter Complete

We cowboy camped last night (no tent) so packing up was easy this morning. The wind was still blowing hard and it was a bit chilly as we headed up the mountain and into the clouds. We picked up a pair of sunglasses on the ground and shortly met a hiker coming back looking for them. We reunited him with his glasses and continued hiking with him for the rest of the day. We had several big climbs today and powerful gusts of wind. Nevertheless, we made good time today, stopping for a two hour siesta and still getting to camp by 6:30. Today was a 24 mile day and we are currently at trail mile 675. That means we are over 25% through the trail, and we have less than 2,000 miles left. The wind is blowing hard tonight but fortunately our camp spot is fairly well sheltered so we should get a good night’s sleep.

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