Day 62: Lassen Volcanic National Park

This morning we woke up at sunrise, organized our food for the next few days, packed up and went to the gas station, said to have the best breakfast in town. We had some awesome breakfast burritos and coffee while talking with other hikers. We returned to the church where I gave Paul a haircut using clippers from the hiker box, then headed back to the trail. We started hiking around 11 am today. For awhile we walked through land owned by logging companies, crossing many roads and seeing several logging trucks. In the afternoon we entered Lassen Volcanic National Park. We passed a streaming sulfur spring and walked past some insanely tall trees. Tonight we are at a drive-in campsite in the National Park, utilizing the bear lockers here so we don’t have to carry a bear canister while we are in the park. We walked 19 miles today. 

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