Day 104: Climbing Out of the Gorge

Out day today began with a climb, up over 4,000 feet as we ascended out of the gorge. With full packs and after 3 days in town, we were both moving a bit slow. At the top of the climb we were rewarded with views of Mt Hood, Mt Adams, Mt St Helens, AND Mt Rainier.

From there, we dropped 2,000 feet, climbed back up 2,000 feet, and then dropped a little more to end the day at just 1,200 feet in elevation after nearly 26 miles. No more views rewarded us, we stayed in the forest. As much as Paul hates sustained uphills, I hate sustained downhills, so we both didn’t particularly enjoy today. We’ve got another big climb coming up tomorrow morning but hopefully we’ll get back in the groove better than today. On the bright side, we’ve passed 1800 miles hiked. Under 850 to go.

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