Day 27: Triple Trail Magic

What a day! We got up early and hiked about five miles and ran into our first trail magic of the day. Lemonade, hot dogs, chips and candy!

We lingered for awhile then headed uphill about a mile where another couple was handing out packs of crackers. We took another break at the top of Max Patch before continuing on for the day. After another five miles or so we hit more trail magic! A girl out celebrating her thirtieth birthday brought sandwiches, roasted corn, beer, and even moonshine.

Tonight we are camped about halfway down our biggest mountain of the day, Bluff Mountain. We hiked 16.9 miles today, and enjoyed an awesome sunset.


3 thoughts on “Day 27: Triple Trail Magic

  1. What a lucky day with all of the trail magic. That must be a boost for moral. Sunset was beautiful💕🌄⛺️ Love, AZ mom

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