Day 126: Back to Hart’s Pass

We had just 13.5 miles to return to Hart’s Pass today, where my Dad would be picking us up and bringing friends from Whidbey Island. I slept better last night than I have in days. Although the fever seems to be gone, my stomach is still upset, so aside from a Carnation breakfast drink and a jolly rancher, I ate no food the entire way. We got back to the campground and waited about an hour for my Dad, Pat, and Marti to show up. They arrived shortly after and we spent the afternoon giving trail magic to the other hikers who came through. They brought beer, sodas, chips, fried chicken and other junk food. It was a huge hit. I managed to eat a piece of chicken and eat a little salad. We are camping at the campground tonight before we head back to civilization, showers, and real beds for a few days in Washington before we head back to the Sierra.

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