Day 134: South Lake Tahoe

Because we had such a great camp spot, we lingered this morning, enjoying coffee and the lake before we finally got moving. We walked about 7.5 miles to hwy 50 and hitched into South Lake Tahoe to get some groceries and lunch. Some hitches are harder than others, and it’s the harder ones like these you get to meet more interesting people.  It can be hard to tell a hiker apart from the average transient to the untrained eye, but some people can tell the difference, and they will give us a ride because they know who we are and what we are doing. It’s always uplifting to get some help from a stranger. Once we got back on trail it was afternoon, so we decided to just hike 3 more miles to camp. We ran into 2 old faces tonight, and had plenty of time to hang out around camp before dark. No rain or storms today, but potential for freezing temps tonight.

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