CDT Days 32-33: Chama

While we had planned to take our first zero day in Chama, we didn’t plan that the next day would be filled with rain, hail, thunder and lightning. Since we would be climbing up over 12,000 feet, the prudent choice seemed to be to stay in town an extra day. So we had a double zero, along with quite a few other hikers. I don’t think anyone left town in the bad weather. We stayed at a crappy motel with a kitchenette, and the grocery store was right across the street. It was nice to be able to cook a few meals and watch a bunch of television while it rained outside.

We met a few more hikers who are also staying at the motel. This is the most hikers we’ve seen since Pie Town. We also got plenty of town chores done. Resupply, gearing up for the snow ahead, and replacing a few items, among other things. We are antsy to get back to the trail!

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