CDT Days 100-101: Extreme Nero and an Unplanned Zero in Darby

Day 100: <1 Mile

Since we slept at the trailhead last night, we really just had to pack up and walk out to the road to start hitching. However, the highway we were on was headed West and ended in a mile at the highway we really needed to be on which headed North. Since there was no traffic on the road we walked the mile to the intersection and started hitching from there. It didn’t take long to get a ride from a river guide who drove us to town and joined us for breakfast. The Montana Cafe was great. Huge portions and cheap prices-everything a thru-hiker needs.

It was hot today, and we were glad to be in town. We got grocery shopping done and I picked up my new shoes at the Post Office. There is no laundromat in town so we resorted to washing our clothes in the bathtub. One of the motel employees put up a line for us to dry everything on.

Since our room had a kitchenette, we took full advantage and had pizza, lasagna, and garlic bread for dinner. Plus we got eggs, bacon and potatoes to make a hearty breakfast in the morning. It feels good to have a rest day today. We needed it.

Day 101: 0 Miles

This morning we woke up, packed up, cooked a hearty breakfast in the hotel room, and were nearly ready to go when one of Yoda’s blog followers offered to buy us a hotel room for another night.

Considering it’s a hot day, cooling off tomorrow, and the trail goes through a burn zone, it wasn’t a tough call to enjoy a day off in town. We were especially excited since all our town chores were done, meaning we’d have a full day of relaxation ahead. We saw Enigma in town and invited him to stay with us for the night, which he did. We visited the brewery, ate some ice cream, and generally stayed indoors where there was air conditioning.

What a great unplanned zero day.

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