CDT Days 105-106: Circling Butte

Day 105: 32 Miles

Cowboy camping last night, we got some great views of the night sky and the meteor shower. Unfortunately, we woke up this morning to frost all over the quilt and everything else. We packed up in the cold and got moving to warm up. Our big day yesterday slowed us down a bit, but the terrain was a little easier and the weather a little cooler.

It was a day for berries. Strawberries, raspberries, and currants were frequent today. The trail was a little confusing for parts of the day and we got off track several times, but none too far out of the way. We’re at a lower elevation tonight so hopefully it will be warmer, but we set up the tent just in case.

Day 106: 32 Miles

There were lots of ups and downs today, but we were on some really nice trail.

We are doing a circle around Butte, and in the afternoon we had nice views down to town. The trail was mostly a mountain bike track, so it was well maintained, and fortunately there were no bikes out today so it was pleasant walking.

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