CDT Days 120-121: East Glacier

Day 120: 31 Miles

We woke up 30 Miles from East Glacier, and decided to make it all the way into town for the night. We were slowed down by the abundance of berries.

I’ve never seen so many thimbleberries in my life, and there were tons of huckleberries too. At lunch, Enigma found us, as we’ve leapfrogged with him over the past few days taking some different alternates.

We made it to town by evening, split a hotel room and went out for food and ice cream. This is our last real town stop before Canada!

Day 121: 11 Miles

Since we got to town late yesterday, we saved town chores for today. But first, we went to the East Glacier Lodge for breakfast buffet. This one was better than the one at Yellowstone, with good coffee too. After breakfast we picked up our package and a few extra groceries, then headed back to the hotel to organize and get laundry done.

Then we hit the trail, headed for Two Medicine, a National Park campground inside Glacier. We had a huge climb, but the views were incredible.

The mountains are massive, towering high above the treeline, making us feel as small as ants as we climbed. At the top we got some of the strongest winds I’ve ever experienced, so we carefully made our way down, trying not to get blown over.

We made it to the campground, set up and went to the camp store for a free extra goodies for dinner. The ranger office was closed when we got here, so tomorrow we’ll check in when they open and get our backcountry permits for the last few days of this trail.

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