Day 81: The National Park Experience!

In SNP, the trail is never far from the frontcountry. We cross Skyline Drive multiple times per day, and this is the weekend, so there are people everywhere. Last night we stayed up past bedtime, so had a late start, after the camp store opened and we got some hot coffee. 3 miles in we hit some trail magic, complete with caprese and fried chicken. Then we hiked 5 more miles to a Wayside, for lunch and blackberry milkshakes. Stuffing yourself then hiking in the afternoon is always a bad idea, so it was a leisurely 5 miles to camp from there. We’ll hit a couple more Waysides before we leave this park, and more real bathrooms too! It feels like a real luxurious experience.






3 thoughts on “Day 81: The National Park Experience!

  1. Wow your meals sound delicious through this part. I’ll take the fried chicken and blackberry milkshakes any day!!!! Eat up you need the fuel.

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