Day 28: Hot Springs

Most trail towns are actually about ten miles off the trail, but the AT goes right through the middle of Hot Springs, NC. We hiked nine miles into town today and decided to stay in a hostel for the night. Lucky for us, not only did we get the last room but tonight was a burrito feed for hikers, complete with banana pudding and beer! There is a wildfire in the mountains North of town and a section of the trail is closed. We will probably take a Zero here tomorrow so Paul can heal some blisters. Rain is expected but if the fire situation doesn’t change we’ll have to take a shuttle to the next open section of trail, which is about 15 miles ahead. Playing it by ear for now, enjoying a funky trail town before we get back out there. The next resupply town is Erwin, TN.


6 thoughts on “Day 28: Hot Springs

  1. Megan and Paul: very proud of you both! Your blog is perfect. Nice synopsis of the days with interesting stuff in each one. At the rate Paul is going through shoes he will have purchased 50 pairs before you are done! Maybe he should go barefoot?

  2. Enjoy some much needed rest & the funky trail town ! Paul , I sure hope you find some shoes that work 😕 We love you guys !

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