Day 33: Erwin, TN

Our makeshift rainfly worked very well in the night. It was supposed to rain all day today, but the sun actually peeked out in the morning, so we waited as long as possible for our gear to dry out before packing up. We only got a few sprinkles during the day, and we hiked 13.3 miles into Erwin. There was a weekend hiker bash here, and we were lucky that there was a rep from Big Agnes still here who was able to give our tent some temporary seal work to get us to Trail Days in Damascus, where there will be more room and supplies and reps to repair it fully. We got a ride into town for a room and dinner from a local trail angel, and hopefully we’ll get a ride back out with her tomorrow as well.





11 thoughts on “Day 33: Erwin, TN

  1. WOW. Those pictures are beautiful. Good thing you got some temporary repairs done. Hopefully you can get it repaired easily. Big Agnes treated us well when we had to get ours repaired, but you don’t have any time to waste waiting!

    Are you guys filtering water along the way every day?

    1. Yeah he said it will take all day at trail days, but they will repair it for sure because they have tons of space. I’m gonna visit Marmot too about my rain jacket!

  2. Well, it looks like you are now officially in Month #2 of your journey. Congratulations and keep trucking!

  3. You haven’t posted in a few days and your gps is not working . Let us hear from you. May the 4th be with you…..happy anniversary
    Love, AZ mom

    1. Won’t be able to fix the link until I have a real computer, but if you look in your browsing history for it should still be updating the map

  4. Hi Megan and Paul. I am enjoying your posts…fantastic pictures and stories…and I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy Cinco de Mayo…perhaps the trail magic tomorrow will include Corona and tacos!

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