CDT Bird List

One of my favorite pieces of gear is my monocular.  Not only does it allow me to identify a lot more birds than I otherwise would, it is also great for looking at all variety of wildlife.  On the CDT it was especially great for viewing Pronghorn and Moose. On more than one occasion I even used it to identify a hiker off in the distance! I saw more birds than I identified, but figuring out the sparrows and water birds sometimes takes more time than I’m willing to spend when we are trying to get our miles in.  Here is the list of birds I was able to identify with confidence, mostly in order of appearance from Mexico to Canada.



  1. Northern Mockingbird
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Yellow-Rumped Warbler
  4. House Finch
  5. House Sparrow
  6. Dark Eyed Junco
  7. Phainopepla
  8. Bridled Titmouse
  9. American Crow
  10. Northern Cardinal
  11. Red-Tailed Hawk
  12. Bullock’s Oriole
  13. Mexican Jay
  14. Mourning Dove
  15. White-Winged Dove
  16. Canyon Wren
  17. Mexican Whip-Poor-Will
  18. American Robin
  19. Acorn Woodpecker
  20. Common Raven
  21. Spotted Towhee
  22. Common Merganser
  23. Great Blue Heron
  24. Black Headed Grosbeak
  25. Steller’s Jay
  26. Mallard
  27. Gambel’s Quail
  28. Black Phoebe
  29. Mountain Bluebird
  30. Western Bluebird
  31. Mountain Chickadee
  32. Canyon Towhee
  33. Northern Flicker
  34. Western Kingbird
  35. Wild Turkey
  36. Brown-Headed Cowbird
  37. Western Tanager
  38. Canada Goose
  39. White-Crowned Sparrow
  40. Black-Billed Magpie
  41. White-Tailed Ptarmigan
  42. Wilson’s Warbler
  43. Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
  44. Northern Flicker
  45. Gray Jay
  46. Dusky Grouse
  47. Hermit Thrush
  48. Tree Swallow
  49. Horned Lark
  50. American White Pelican
  51. Osprey
  52. Red-Naped Sapsucker
  53. Bald Eagle
  54. Brewer’s Blackbird
  55. Cliff Swallow
  56. Barn Swallow
  57. Red-Winged Blackbird
  58. Common Nighthawk
  59. Brewer’s Sparrow
  60. Killdeer
  61. Ruddy Duck
  62. Green-Tailed Towhee
  63. Greater Sage-Grouse
  64. White-Throated Sparrow
  65. Northern Harrier
  66. Common Poorwill
  67. Spotted Sandpiper
  68. Clark’s Nutcracker
  69. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  70. Black-Capped Chickadee
  71. White-Breasted Nuthatch
  72. Sandhill Crane
  73. Pine Grosbeak
  74. American Three-Toed Woodpecker
  75. Cassin’s Finch
  76. Spruce Grouse
  77. Ruffed Grouse

9 thoughts on “CDT Bird List

  1. What monocular do you use? I just got rid of a cheap crappy one that was a freebie when I bought my binos, but I am thinking of getting a better one for the pct if I can justify the weight . Thanks!

    1. I just have a cheapie I found at my parent’s house. It’s a Simmons Field 7.1 Model 8×21. It’s probably worth about $15, but the 8x magnification works well enough. I don’t think it’s waterproof though, it gets a little foggy on wet days.

  2. The one I had was 7×18. Mag was OK but I thought the field of view was way too small, and optics not so good. It was super lightweight though. Maybe I am just spoiled by halfway-decent binoculars. Nice bird list, and congrats on your Triple Crown!
    -Mary Anne

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