Tahoe Rim Trail: Day 1

Day 1: 18 Miles

Yesterday, as we drove in to Tahoe, it started snowing. We were glad not to be on the trail in that weather, and glad no more was in the forecast. Still, it was a chilly morning when we hit the trail, about 34F outside. Fortunately, it was sunny and warmed up after a few hours. Our day started heading south on the PCT. Although we’ve been here before, and we had lots of flashback moments, we were also surprised by how many areas we didn’t remember at all. I guess it was overshadowed by the awesome High Sierra.

But this trail is pretty nice. It’s well maintained, not too steep or sketchy, and the climbs aren’t too long. We hit the junction leaving the PCT behind in the afternoon, and the trail got much quieter. We only saw a mountain biker and a runner the rest of the day. Today, we took a relaxed pace with lots of breaks to ease ourselves in, and opted to camp near a trailhead to take advantage of such modern luxuries as a trash can and vault toilets!

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